英语单词分类 轻松记单词

good evening

英 [ɡud ˈi:vniŋ]

美 [ɡʊd ˈivnɪŋ]


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1. (问候用语)晚上好
You say 'Good evening' when you are greeting someone in the evening.

1. 晚安:早安 Good morning. | 晚安 Good evening. | 沒關係 That's O.K. (Never mind.)

2. [晚上见面时用语] 晚上好,你(们)好:goat 山羊 (4A6) | good evening [晚上见面时用语] 晚上好,你(们)好 (4A9) | Good idea. 好主意. (4B6)

3. good evening

3. 你好:Well, you remember Gilbert Cannan, don't you?|你记得吉伯坎宁吧? | Good evening.|你好 | Mr Cannan has been working on the committee to fight government censorship.|坎宁先生正在抗争政府审查制度

"Good evening," the maitre said.(“晚上好,”领班说。)
Good evening, madam, my pleasure to be here tonight.(晚上好,女士,您今晚能来这儿是我的荣幸。)
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!(晚上好,女士们先生们!)
Good evening, in 1959, on the day that I was born, a headline in Life magazine proclaimed target Venus, there may be life there.(1959年,我出生的那天傍晚,《生活》杂志的一个标题宣布,金星成为了目标,那里可能有生命。)
Good evening, and welcome to this week's business world, the program for and about business people.(晚上好,欢迎收看本周的《商业世界》,一个为商业人士而生、讲述商业人士事迹的节目。)
Bartender: Good evening, Sir.(吧台侍应生:晚上好,先生。)
Good evening and welcome to tonight's edition of Legendary Lives.(晚上好,欢迎来到今晚的传奇生活。)
Good evening and welcome to this week's Business World.(晚上好,欢迎来到本周的“商业世界”。)
Good evening, Daddy.(爸爸,晚上好。)
Good evening, Jia Jia.(晚上好,佳佳。)
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